Winter Wonderland Wedding
More and more of us are opting for a winter wedding for lots of different reasons. Not only are they often more affordable but they can be extremely magical, romantic and cosy. The more glitter, candles and fairy lights the better as far as we are concerned and here are a few more ideas to get you started...
Faux Fur- Stay warm on your wedding day and add a touch of glamour to your wedding photos.

Flowers- Try and include some winter foliage to your bouquet to really keep the theme consistent. Fur cones and berries are perfect. Try ivorys, Greys, golds, coppers and greens.

Favors- Think outside the box for favors, we love these wonderful cookies that have a particularly Christmasy feel.

Cake- Less is more! This is such a simple but effective way to decorate your cake and would cost just pennies!

Decorations- You don't have to have a huge amount of decorations if you just go for one bold statement piece, these giant light up letters really make a impact.

Invitations- Use/Design an invitation that sets the scene ready for the big day.

Table plan- This doesn't need to be a 2D writen plan, make it exciting and fun (not too complicated though). You can also use this as an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone by making your favors part of the design.

Fairy lights- LOTS OF THEM!

Darker evenings- If you have a winter wedding bare in mind it maybe dark by 4.30pm. Use this to your advantage by purchasing things like sparklers for guests, or having fireworks.